James P. Sickinger

James P. Sickinger (B.A., Trinity College; Ph.D., Brown) is a professor in the department of Classics. His research and teaching focus on Greek history, Greek epigraphy, the Attic orators, and Greek law. He is the author of Public Records and Archives in Classical Athens and numerous articles and chapters on topics that include the Greek epigraphic habit, documents in the Attic orators, and Athenian ostracism. He has also served as an editor and contributor to Brill's New Jacoby, for which he published translations and commentaries on the Parian Marble, the Monumentum Archilocheum, and other fragmentary texts. Among his current projects is a study of newly-discovered ostraka from the Athenian Agora and the light they shed on Athenian politics and ancient literacy.
From 2002 to 2005 he was the Andrew Mellon Professor of Classical Studies at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.