Jennifer Weigel

Jenny Weigel is a Ph.D. student in Classical Archaeology from Naples, Florida. She earned her B.A. in Classical Archaeology and History summa cum laude from Florida State University in 2016. In 2018, she received her M.A. in Classical Archaeology from Florida State after writing her Master’s paper, “Demystifying Mirrors: Examining Etruscan Mirrors within their Tomb Contexts.” She has served as the Assistant Trench Supervisor for the Etruscan necropolis Crocifisso del Tufo in Orvieto, Italy and is the current Assistant Trench Supervisor for the Etruscan manmade hypogeum Cavità 254 in Orvieto, Italy. In her free time, she enjoys being with her dog Atlas and reading fantasy and psychological thrillers.
Publications and Conferences:
“Mystifying Mirrors: Etruscan Mirrors in Context,” 114th Annual Meeting of CAMWS, Albuquerque, NM (2018)
“(Wo)Man in the Mirror: Reexamining the Gender of Etruscan Mirror Users Within Their Tombs Contexts.” 116th Annual Meeting of CAMWS (2020).