Laurel Fulkerson
Laurel Fulkerson received all of her degrees from Columbia University (BA in Classics, MA in Latin, M.Phil. in Classics, Ph.D. in Classics), and has been a faculty member in the Classics department at the Florida State University in Tallahassee since 2000. Her scholarly work within Classics focuses on three basic areas: Latin poetry; ancient women’s history and gender studies; and the emotions in antiquity. She has written or edited the following books: The Ovidian Heroine as Author: Reading, Writing, and Community in the Heroides (2005, Cambridge University Press); No Regrets: Remorse in Classical Antiquity (2013, Oxford University Press); Emotions between Greece and Rome, co-edited with Douglas Cairns (2015, BICS Supplement); Ovid: A Poet on the Margins (2016, Bloomsbury); Repeat Performances: Ovidian Repetition and the Metamorphoses, co-edited with Tim Stover (2016, University of Wisconsin Press); and A Literary Commentary on the Elegies of the Appendix Tibulliana (2017, Oxford University Press). She is currently co-authoring a history of Latin literature of the second and first centuries BCE and a commentary on the pseudo-Vergilian Ciris. She edited The Classical Journal, a leading journal in her field, from 2010-2016, and she has won graduate and undergraduate teaching awards at national and University levels.
Dr. Fulkerson became associate dean for the FSU College of Arts and Sciences, and later the associate vice president for Research in 2018. She stepped in as interim Vice President for Research towards the end of 2020 until April 2022, when - after 22 years with Florida State University - Dr. Fulkerson retired.