BA Programs

The Classics Department offers BAs in Classics (Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, Classical Civilization, and Greek & Latin), Greek, and Latin, as well as a joint major in Classics & Religion. Consult the lists below and the Undergraduate Bulletin for the specific requirements of each major.


Classical Civilization

The major in Classical Civilization requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Classical Mythology (CLT3370)
  • Greek or Roman History (CLA3430 or CLA3440)
  • Greek or Roman Archaeology (ARH3130 or ARH 3150)
  • Elective Classics courses level (eighteen hours, twelve of which must be at the 4000-level, selected from ARH, ASH, CLA, CLT, and EUH courses offered by the Classics Department or approved by a Classics advisor)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)



Classical Archaeology

The major in Classical Archaeology requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Classical Mythology (CLT3370)>
  • Greek and Roman Archaeology (ARH3130 and ARH 3150)
  • Advanced Classical Archaeology courses (nine hours selected from ARH 4110, 4118, 4120, 4131, 4151, 4154, 4173 and CLA 4151)
  • Greek or Latin (normally LAT or GRE 1120, 1121, and 2220; these hours cannot be used to satisfy the world language requirement of the College of Arts & Sciences)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)

Students are also encouraged to participate in archaeological fieldwork and study abroad opportunities.



Ancient History

The major in Ancient History requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Classical Mythology (CLT3370)
  • Greek and Roman History (CLA3430 and CLA3440)
  • Advanced Ancient History courses (nine hours selected from EUH4401, EUH4408, EUH4412, EUH4413, CLA4437r, and/or CLA4447r)
  • Elective Classics courses above the 2000-level (nine hours selected from ARH, ASH, CLA, CLT, and EUH courses offered by the Classics Department or approved by a Classics advisor)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)




The major in Greek requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Classical Mythology (CLT3370)
  • Greek History (CLA3430)
  • Greek Archaeology (ARH3130)
  • Greek courses level above the 2000-level (twelve hours, six of which must be at the 4000-level)
  • Elective Classics courses above the 2000-level (six hours selected from ARH, ASH, CLA, CLT, and EUH courses offered by the Classics Department or approved by a Classics advisor)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)




The major in Latin requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Classical Mythology (CLT3370)
  • Roman History (CLA3440)
  • Roman Archaeology (ARH3150)
  • Latin courses level above the 2000-level (fifteen hours, six of which must be at the 4000-level)
  • Elective Classics courses above the 2000-level (three hours selected from ARH, ASH, CLA, CLT, and EUH courses offered by the Classics Department or approved by a Classics advisor)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)



Greek and Latin

The major in Greek and Latin requires thirty (30) hours of coursework, which must include:

  • Greek or Roman History (CLA3430 or CLA3440)
  • Greek or Roman Archaeology (ARH3130 or ARH 3150)
  • Greek and Latin courses level above the 2000-level (eighteen hours, six of which must be at the 4000-level, and which must include at least six hours in each language)
  • Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935



Classics and Religion

To complete a bachelor of arts degree (BA) with a co-major in Classics and Religion, a student must take (in addition to other college requirements), 27 semester hours in Classics and 18 semester hours in Religion. At least 9 semester hours at the 3000 or 4000 level in Classics courses with prefixes ARH, ASH, CLA, or CLT are required. No more than 18 semester hours of Greek or Latin may count towards the degree (but students must attain at least third semester competency in Greek or Latin; see below, language requirements). Of the 18 semester hours in Religion, at least 6 and no more than 12 semester hours will be in the area of Religions of Western Antiquity.


Language Requirements

Courses used to fulfill the Arts and Sciences language requirement cannot be counted toward the major. Whether taken to meet the language requirement or the major requirements, students must complete 12 semester hours in one ancient classical language (Latin or Greek). Courses beyond the third semester level in Greek or Latin (if that language is used to fulfill the Arts and Sciences language requirement) or in another ancient language at any level (e.g., Hebrew, Egyptian, Aramaic, or Sanskrit) may count toward the degree, up to the maximum of 18 semester hours.



Students with a Classics and Religion co-major do not need a minor. Students wishing to pursue the complementary major in Religion and Classics should consult the Department of Religion.