MA in Classics: Latin

The M.A. in Latin allows students to focus on coursework in Latin literature and heritage. It is suited for those who intend to pursue further work in Classics at the Ph.D. level. Students choosing this option are reminded that doctoral level work in Classics requires a strong background in Greek. Students planning to teach in the secondary schools should ensure that they have enough coursework in Latin to satisfy various school or state certification requirements.

Degree Requirements

The M.A. program in Latin is pursued through coursework which culminates in the writing of a MA Paper (33 cr. hrs).

Credit Hours Requirement
1 Proseminar (CLA 5936)
18 six 5000/6000 level courses in Latin (NOT to include LAT 5932)
3 1 graduate course in ancient history
3 1 graduate course in classical archaeology
5 Additional elective coursework in Classics or related fields
0 Translation Exam in Latin (LNW 8966r)
3 M.A. Paper (CLA 5919)