Upcoming Department Events
News from the Department
Kudos to Dr. Andrea De Giorgi, recipient of the Arts & Humanities Program Enhancement Grant
Kudos to Dr. Andrea De Giorgi, who has received an Arts & Humanities Program Enhancement Grant. The funds will enable Professor De Giorgi and his team to continue to excavate the bath complex at Cosa.
Dr. Nancy de Grummond wins the 2026 AIA Gold Medal Award
Kudos to Dr. Nancy de Grummond, winner of the 2026 Archaeological Institute of America's Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement!
Kudos to the Fall 2024 Classics Graduates!
The Department of Classics sends heartfelt congratulations to the graduate students on successfully completing their degrees.
Rikelle Lovewell on her MA in Classical Civilizations!
CoAS Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Svetla Slaveva-Griffin
Classics professor Dr. Slaveva-Griffin was featured in the College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Spotlight Series!